the real alan zuckerman
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the real alan zuckerman
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Smart TV Ads
$312.00 - $3,750.00
Advertising may be a frustrating battle, and you may end up successful or doomed, considering how millennials tend to stray away from traditional marketing strategies.
By advertising with connected TV, you can assess the effectiveness of the ad campaign by tracking the number of clicks, direct responses, conversations, and views.
What does alan do?
alan helps you buy digital ads & create digital content.
alan then helps you track all plays, impressions, clicks, chats, Calls and emails
from your digital presence
so you can optimize marketing budgets
and gain more online customers.
What does alan do?
alan helps you reach consumers when they want to buy from your business.
What does alan do?
alan helps you reach consumers when they want to binge a streaming series, watch a movie, watch sports or watch the news.
What does alan do?
alan helps you reach consumers when they want to stream their favorite songs or listen to their favorite podcasts.
What does alan do?
alan helps you reach consumers when they're socializing online.
What does alan do?
alan helps you reach consumers via digital screens when they're driving, flying out of airports, taking the train, buying groceries, at the gym, eating at restaurants, out at bars, at the movies, pumping gas or at a dentist, salon or veterinarian appointment.
What does alan do?
alan helps you reach consumers when they're shopping for products online and ordering food or groceries.
What does alan do?
alan speeds up your restaurant's service, increases your sales, your reviews and reduces your costs.
What does alan do?
alan captures customer experiences at your restaurant, providing a valuable marketing tool for guests to share.
What does alan stand for?
alan believes in building a b2b sales technology platform that helps aspiring entrepreneurs, local brick and mortar businesses and d2c ecommerce companies work together, without judgement of their race, religion, gender, health, education, political affiliation, socioeconomic background or upbringing.
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